From: Bill Myers <>
Subject: Discovery SS lesson files
This page is for people interested in listening to digital audio files of lessons presented during meetings of the Discovery Sunday School Class of Bon Air Baptist Church, Richmond, Virginia.
Audio files on this site are posted in ".mp3" format, and these files should be readable on most any computer. Download the files if you want to transfer them onto a device that plays .mp3 files.
Audio (and other) files are found in folders: To play a particular file, click on one of the folders, and then click on one of the files in the listing that appears. Files are stored within folders, with each folder containing one quarter's worth of lessons or the lessons in one special series. Regular weekly lesson folders are named by year and quarter, so that folder "09Q2" would contain files from lessons in April, May, and June of 2009.
Weekly lesson files are named as follows: An initial 6 digits representing year/month/day (so, for example, February 22 of 2009 would start with 090222); then a letter, where A = lesson from the 9:30 class and B = lesson from the 11:00 class; then, usually anyway, some information as to the lesson contents—often an indication of where we were in a series of lessons and what that week's topic was within that series.
Additional files, perhaps a picture or some text that supplements a lesson, may also be present, coded in each case with a date so as to link them to a given lesson or workshop session. These files should be "pdf" or "jpg" or some other widely readable format.
It is important to note that some older lessons were recorded on audiotape or on early model digital recorders, and the microphones used in these recordings were not always set up properly. Thus some of those older files may be distorted or diminished in sound and therefore harder to hear clearly. I would ask that you be tolerant of this as you use the older files.
It is my hope that the lessons in this site will have value for people as they study God's Word and that in that process people will come to know Him more. It would be an encouragement to me to hear from you if this has been so in your case.
Bill Myers
last updated: Jan. 21, 2010